Tips and tricks to help you gather more

The last section of this article will give you a brief overview of some of the tips and tricks that you could use to gather more resources for the Enternal Kingdoms. Read these carefully because they will add a lot of value to your game. I have mentioned all of these already, but I will go over them once again. This should summarize everything that the article has talked about so far.

The best way to gather as many resources is, first and foremost, by ensuring you use a gathering commander that has a gathering tree. This will maximize your ability to gather resources. You should also gather runes and items. You should, furthermore, upgrade to a higher VIP level because the higher your VIP level, the faster you will be able to gather.

You should ensure that you use the correct technology in order to get the most benefits. Attaining kingdom titles will enable you to enjoy a faster gathering pace. You should also ensure that you gather on the territory of your alliance in order for resources to appear and for you to benefit from them. Make sure that you gather all the gems from the Lyceum of Wisdom with the help of our list of all Enternal Kingdoms Peerless Scholar Answers.

If you want to check how much your farming bonus is, all you need to do is go to city hall and tap on the icon with the graph on it. Once you scroll and choose gathering, you will be able to see your gathering speed.

So, if this article has opened your eyes to the importance of resource gathering, it is integral that you implement all the tips and tricks we have mentioned in the guide. The most crucial tip that requires extra attention is the use of a gathering commander. This way, you are guaranteed to get a lot of resources. Do not forget that you can get free resources with redemption codes.

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