7.1. Either MetaFi or our client can terminate the relationship between us at any time and with no reason given, provided there are no outstanding settlements or pending transactions. When transactions are still pending, the termination will come into effect when the party initiating the termination receives written acknowledgment from the other party that the relationship is terminated, and this acknowledgment does not affect previous transactions or rights in place before termination.
7.2. Client will not be entitled to a remedy or alternative for discontinued services, except for the withdrawal of existing funds.
7.3. MetaFi can terminate client access to the Website, Application and Products at the sole discretion of MetaFi.
7.4. Among other reasons not listed, MetaFi may also suspend or terminate your account for any or all the following reasons:
Unlawful or unauthorized attempt to access the Website, Applications and ProductsBreach of security features limiting use access to or protecting contentviolations of this Terms of Use
Due to the request of legal authorities or financial regulators, provided that MetaFi deems the request to be legitimate and compelling acting in its sole discretion.
Accounts that have been inactive for a period of 6 months may be canceled, deactivated, terminated along with unconfirmed accounts. MetaFi is not liable for any issues resulting in terminating a relationship or deactivating an account.
MetaFi reserves the right to change, suspend, or discontinue all or any part or aspect of the services at any time without notice to the client or Website visitors.
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