What is an Alliance?
An alliance is our family, a brotherhood that we can join or create. Within the alliance, we have the opportunity to play with a certain number of players, invite friends, and share our gaming experiences in various ways. Forming an alliance in Eternal Kingdoms can be a primary mission for any player.
Alliance Features
Chat: We will communicate to inform members about situations or just to chat between discussions. Only alliance members can write in this chat.
Technology: A shared Technology pool for all alliance members, each requiring our resource contributions over time, and the research of that technology needs Alliance Points (HP).
Alliance Help: We can assist each other to reduce Research, Building, and Healing times for troops through the Help option available for all members. Don’t hesitate to click the button to help and be helped.
Rally: Rallies are an exclusive Alliance feature located in the “War” tab, allowing us to gather alliance members in our city to prepare coordinated attacks against Barbarian Forts, Enemy Cities, Enemy Fortresses, Enemy Rallies, or to use in events like “Lohar's Trial.” This is the most effective way to attack with our alliance members. To strengthen our army, we need to improve our City Castle, and only alliance members can participate in these attacks. Additionally, this “War” tab alerts us if any enemies prepare to attack our allies, Flags, or Fortresses.
Territory: In this tab, we have an alliance deposit from which we can collect resources per minute for our city. These deposits increase as we control more resources on the map through Flags or our territory.
Support and Reinforcement: This tab provides an alliance deposit from which we can collect resources per minute for our city. These deposits increase as we control more resources on the map through Flags or our territory.
Signal Flags: Leaders and Officers of the alliance can set up signals to guide members about various activities. These signals are crucial, and we will also communicate through messages.
Store: A store where we can use our alliance points, offering many useful rewards throughout the game.
Helpful Tips for Joining an Alliance
Be an active member, helping whenever our allies need.
Participate in all alliance events, both PvP and PvE.
Support or reinforce ally forces in necessary situations.
Learn more about the game alongside our alliance brethren.
Develop to help our alliance grow.
Donate to advance Alliance Technologies.
Assist in building any established structures, which will increase our territory and limit the number of alliance members.
Alliance Buildings
In Eternal Kingdoms, alliances can build three types of structures, each requiring a certain amount of resources and alliance points.
Alliance Resource Center: This will be the resource hub for all alliance members, where they can gather resources until time runs out. We can only build one at a time and cannot explore or attack it, so your gatherers must stay inside. If you are a Leader or Officer, maintain at least one resource center for everyone’s benefit.
Alliance Flags: Flags mark the territory we occupy as an alliance, and each flag must be built continuously from a Fortress. The more flags we build, the more members can join the alliance. If a flag is destroyed somewhere in between, all subsequent flags will become "Invalid," but the remaining flags up to the fortress will still be part of our territory. Each flag can be garrisoned by troops during War or Peace and can even be continuously reinforced when under attack. Only Leaders or Officers can access them for repairs. In maps like “Lost Kingdom,” it is essential to stay within the "Effective" territory of our Flags or Fortresses; otherwise, we risk being rendered Null. The durability of these flags partly depends on our alliance technology.
How to Build Alliance Flags Effectively?
Focus on resource-rich areas.
Try to secure Alliance Deposits.
Always surround your Alliance Fortress, as this is the main line of defense for the Central Fortress.
Alliance Fortress: Our fortress is the main pillar of the alliance that we must respect and protect at all times. We can only build a maximum of three fortresses. Right from the start, as a leader, this must be our top priority. Even if we are not leaders, we should still help build the fortress, as this is a structure that takes time and is crucial for establishing the first TP of the game and forming an alliance around it. This is where we will begin building our Flags. The fortress, like flags, can be garrisoned by troops during war or peace and can even be continuously reinforced when under attack. Only Leaders or Officers have the right to access it for repairs.
Central Alliance Fortress
Each building requires a certain amount of resources, which increases as we expand our numbers. The more territory we occupy, the more resources it will cost
900K Gold
4.5M Gold + 1.8M Food + 1.8M Wood + 1.4M Stone + 900K Gold
9.0M Gold + 4.5M Food + 4.5M Wood + 2.7M Stone + 1.8M Gold
*Resource requirements depend on your Clan’s Architecture level. I assume it is at level 5.
How to Acquire Alliance Resources? There are two main ways to obtain resources (Food, Wood, Stone, and Gold) for your alliance:
Occupy Alliance Resource Mines by building Alliance Flags and holding them within your alliance territory.
Have alliance members farm within the Alliance Territory. The alliance will receive a certain percentage of the resources gathered by members.
Alliance Aid
Building an Alliance is the best way to earn a significant amount of Personal Alliance Credits for yourself.
Alliance Technology
Similar to individuals in our Academy, we have a range of shared Technology for all alliance members, as previously explained. These technologies have improvement levels that require increasing contributions from us; the more we contribute, the more effective they become, leading to increased costs for each upgrade.
They focus on key benefits within the alliance, such as increasing the maximum number of Members (“Great Alliance”), boosting Construction and Research Speed (“City Building and Technology Research”), and enhancing Experience and Damage dealt to Neutral units like Barbarians (“Regular Army”). There will even be technologies that benefit our economy within this framework, aiding us significantly in gathering Food, Wood, Stone, and Gold. It’s important to note that if we are considering creating Alliance Farming accounts, we should propose these technologies as primary to receive donations from our allies.
Territory Technology is based on the spaces we occupy on the map as an alliance. Each of our Flags or Fortresses will provide us with higher Attack, Defense, and Movement benefits for our troops. We must prioritize (“Number of Flags”) a technology to increase our maximum number of Flags, which is crucial for expanding our territory on the map. These technologies also enhance the durability of our buildings (“Building Durability”) and allow us to attack enemy buildings at a higher Destruction Rate (“Conqueror”), which is vital for our territory.
Alliance Territory Technology
All matters related to fighting enemies, Attack and Defense are fundamental for each of our units: Cavalry, Infantry, Archers, and Siege Units. Each unit mentioned above will receive specific benefits, which will be important in any area of our alliance structures. We will even see an increase in troop capacity in Rallies when attacking enemy cities (“Unite as One”), as well as reduced Rally times (“Fast Rally”) and increased speed of this process (“Assembly Charge”).
Alliance Warfare Technology
The last tab is dedicated to 6 unique Skills that we can use when Leaders or Officers activate them. Each skill provides certain improvements and rewards for all alliance members, each with a cooldown and reset time. To use these skills, all alliance members must contribute each time they are reset. These skills in any alliance should be the last priority for contributions, as they will yield positive improvements for a specified time.
Alliance Gifts
This option allows us to reward our alliance partners within the game. We will provide this option at all times in the game, where we can send gifts to our friends in various ways, whether it’s destroying a "Barbarian Fortress," participating in events like "Lohar's Trial," or purchasing packages from Eternal Kingdoms with real money. Each of these forms will increase the progress of the common Chest for all members, which can randomly contain multiple rewards. This chest will increase in reward quality after every 10 levels. Each alliance member has 24 hours to claim each gift sent to the alliance council.
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